Front Room Gallery — Juan Alonso Studio

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Front Room Gallery is taking a hiatus. Thanks to all the folks who supported this effort to show artworks by women, BIPOC artists, and folks from the LGBTQ+ Community and to all the artists who made it come to life. This has been a labour of love and I sincerely hope it will resurface when the time is right.

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to Sep 12

Seattle Deconstructed Art Fair

Front Room Gallery (at Juan Alonso Studio) presents a Group Exhibit as part of the Seattle Deconstructed Art Fair, featuring the works of Jite Agbro, Arturo Artorez, Yadviga Dowmont Halsey & Rickie Wolfe, from August 7 through September 12.

The exhibit will be open to the public on the 2nd Saturday of August (8/8) & September (9/12), from noon-4pm. Otherwise, the gallery is open by appointment (2 people or 1 family at a time) by emailing or texting 206-390-4882. Face coverings are mandatory to enter the space and hand sanitizer is available.

Front Room Gallery is located within Juan Alonso Studio in the Tashiro/Kaplan Building at 306 S Washington St, Suite 104, Seattle, WA 98104

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to Mar 14

Rickie Wolfe - New Sculptures & Older Paintings SALE

Please welcome Rickie Wolfe to my studio while I take a few necessary personal days.

1st Thursday, March 5, 5-8pm &

2nd Saturday, March 14, noon-5pm

Juan Alonso Studio

306 S Washington St, Studio 104

Seattle, WA 98104

Rickie will be clearing out her studio to make room for a new enamel kiln, so this is your opportunity to get some of her fabulous work at lower than retail prices and help her create space for new studio equipment.

All her older paintings will be discounted 50-80%

She will also have many Chrysalis-Hives sculptures in new colors and some other small pieces she is currently working on.

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to Feb 21

Yadviga Dowmont Halsey

Please help me welcome Yadviga Dowmont Halsey to the Front Room Gallery this February as she celebrates her 92nd birthday.

There will be two public openings:
1st Thursday, February 6, 5-8pm - FREE PARKING
2nd Saturday, February 8, noon-5pm

Yadviga’s work can be seen any time by appointment, during and after the show by emailing

Front Room Gallery at JAS
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Yadviga Dowmont Halsey’s compositions are dreamlike studies in human nature. They are impromptu plays where the leading characters vary in emotion from the very tragic to the overjoyed and we, as the audience, provide our own individual interpretation of the drama before us. These paintings are about emotion, human interaction, memory and moments in time. They are psychological narratives layered with tragedy, frivolity and everything else in between.

Yadviga Dowmont Halsey, Spectator Sports, acrylic on paper, 20” x 26”

Yadviga Dowmont Halsey, Spectator Sports, acrylic on paper, 20” x 26”

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to Dec 19

Front Room Gallery - 2020

The Front Room Gallery is a small gallery space at the entrance to Juan Alonso Studio focused on showing work by local artists of color, women and members of the LGBTQ community. It is open every 1st Thursday of the month, 5-8 pm, every 2nd Saturday of the month, noon-5pm and by appointment by emailing:

Artists selected by invitation only. Artists' submissions are not accepted but artists recommending others are welcome. This is to encourage and strengthen the value of community and artists helping each other. 

306 S Washington St #104, Seattle, WA 98104

Artists shown: Jite Agbro, Monica Arche, Flynn Bickley, Lisa Myers Bulmash, Romson Regarde Bustillo, Jean Bradbury, Jazz Brown, Laura Castellanos, Eugenio Cesar, Carina del Rosario, Shawn Ferris, Aramis Hamer, Yadviga Dowmont Halsey, Elisheba Johnson, Kamla Kakaria, Yeggy Michael, Ruben Trejo, Rickie Wolfe

Coming up: Barbara Shaiman ceramics (November)

Please scroll down for current and upcoming announcements.

2020 - February: Yadviga Dowmont Halsey, March: Rickie Wolfe

Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the following exhibits are on hold until further notice:

Micajah Bienvenu (pop-up 3/21), April: Birthday Fundraiser + Mary Lamery (2nd Saturday pop-up: The Paris Sketches), May: Cole Devoy, June: Dovey Martinez, July: Shima Bhamra, September: Reilly Jensen, October: Arturo Artorez, November: Tatiana Garmendia

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to Nov 23

Barbara Shaiman

Please help me welcome artist Barbara Shaiman to the Front Room Gallery for the 1st Thursday of November and an additional Pop-Up show of her work on 2nd Saturday.

Juan Alonso Studio
206 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Open Studios:
1st Thursday, November 7, 5-8 pm - FREE PARKING
2nd Saturday, November 9, noon-5pm
And by appointment ( through November 23, 2019

After 24 years as director/curator of SAM Gallery at the Seattle Art Museum, Barbara returned 4 years ago to her original calling as a ceramic sculptor. Her current series references her love of the natural environment as well as her concern about the dangers it faces from climate change and devastating political policies. The rocks, arches and cave entrances she has seen in the desert Southwest and on the Northwest coastline inspire her as does her concern about current attacks on our National Monuments and other wild lands. Shaiman prefers the work to be enigmatic, not to supply answers but to encourage us to think about our relationship to the environment with a somewhat altered vision.

Barbara Shaiman, A River Runs Through It, 2019, Stoneware and wire, 26" x 13” x 2.5”

Barbara Shaiman, A River Runs Through It, 2019, Stoneware and wire, 26" x 13” x 2.5”

View Event →
to Jun 8

Shawn Ferris

This month welcomes Front Room Gallery guest artist Shawn Ferris on 1st Thursday, June 6, 5-8pm.
On 2nd Saturday, June 8, noon-5pm, she will add more work as a pop-up show in the center of the studio.

1st Thursday, June 6, 5-8pm - FREE PARKING
2nd Saturday, June 8, noon-5pm
And by appointment:

306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104


An influence on my creative process is the Oulipo, a literary group whose works are created using methods of constraints. The idea is that constraints challenge the imagination freeing it from its habitual modes and triggering the potential for new ideas and inspirations. (Structure equals freedom.) Through rules of constraint, that I impose on myself, I discover new dynamics in the formal elements of my paintings and drawings in support of the content of my image making.
Birds have long been the subject of my artwork. In contrast to the restrictions of the Oulipo birds, by nature, provide a vast range of diversity in form, color and characteristics. I love that such diversity is easily observable even in urban environments. Birds represent a sense of freedom -  via flight - and a sense of home - via nesting. Common urges to most of us. I also paint birds because I’ve never had a flying dream. Watching birds, painting and drawing them are my vicarious flying dreams. ~
Shawn Ferris

Shawn Ferris, Spring Birds, acrylic, ink on panel, 20” x 17””

Shawn Ferris, Spring Birds, acrylic, ink on panel, 20” x 17””

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to May 25

Rickie Wolfe

Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio is excited to welcome mixed media artist and Pratt Fine arts instructor Rickie Wolfe for the month of May 2019!

Rickie’s work will be in the Front Room on 1st Thursday, May 2, 5-9pm and then will be installed throughout the studio and open every Saturday in May, noon-5pm.

Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

'nesting' 31 x 19 x 5, Wire, 2019

'nesting' 31 x 19 x 5, Wire, 2019

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to Feb 27

Yadviga Dowmont Halsey - Creature Comforts

Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio is happy to present work by Yadviga Dowmont Halsey from February 7-27, 2019.

Celebrating her 91st birthday, the artist will be in attendance on Opening night (1st Thursday, 2/7).

There will be two public openings:
1st Thursday, February 7, 5-8pm
Saturday, February 23, noon-5pm

Yadviga’s work can be seen any time by appointment, during and after the show by emailing

Front Room Gallery at JAS
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Black Owl, acrylic on paper, 26” x 40”

Black Owl, acrylic on paper, 26” x 40”

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to Nov 24

Eugenio Cesar

Please help me welcome Cuban artist Eugenio Cesar to the Front Room Gallery, November 1 - 24, 2018.

There will be four openings:

1st Thursday, November 1, 5-8pm

2nd Saturday, November 10, noon-5pm

Saturday, Novenber 17, noon-5pm

Saturday, November 24, noon-5pm

And by appointment through November 24:

Front Room Gallery at
Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

I am always amazed by the lines and curves, the structures and the landscapes and of course the colors. The first picture is composed with my eyes, and then printed in my brain. I shoot with my camera and that's where it starts. She and I are one. I ask the world questions and it responds loaded with colors, forms and personal secrets, often enigmatic as my own self. My brain makes my finger press the shutter automatically.

I use my skills to peel back every layer of the objects and show me what they know and what they hold back. With my work I try to break the laws of physics themselves and I fuse with lights that I find at night that transforms the object into lines and forms. In that unique and precise moment: I shoot.

My photography could be defined mostly as nocturnal and with my technique I play with the frame, speed and sensitivity until I determine the correct exposure value. I speak to the world through my camera, and in return I capture an intimate view of the object as a result of our digital chat: an iconic image that will never be seen quite the same way again.

Eugenio Cesar -

MOPOP, Seattle, WA

MOPOP, Seattle, WA

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to Oct 26

Yeggy Michael

Please help me welcome artist Yeggy Michael to the Front Room Gallery, October 4-26, 2018.

There will be three openings:
1st Thursday, October 4, 5-8pm
Saturday, October 6, 11am-3pm
2nd Saturday, October 13, noon-5pm
and by appointment other times through October 26

Front Room Gallery at
Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Yeggy Michael is an international, award-winning artist whose work has been exhibited widely throughout Africa, Europe and North America and his works are in public and private collections.

Yeggy’s vision is to provoke questions about natural cycles, provide a sense of place and to reflect on the movement of time. His paintings are personal and positive contacts for vibrant thoughts and spiritual moments. In public art Yeggy various materials like metal, stone, glass, tile, paint, wood to reinterpret the abstract, cyclical nature of all things. Sharing his work with spaces of infrastructure, is the synthesis of a long-term relationship and embedded in it; the very moment in history that prolongs its memory.

Yeggy’s lofty compositions are often the result of contemplative explorations that go deep within, where his emotions await the moment of their expression. Through the artist own appreciation and vision, comes a world unique to its creator with its elected symbols and recurrent themes. Faced with the experiences of life Yegizaw’s inspiration comes from what has stayed closest to his heart.


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to Sep 26

Kamla Kakaria

Please help me welcome artist Kamla Kakaria to the Front Room Gallery, September 6-26, 2018.

There will be two openings:
1st Thursday, September 6, 5-8pm
2nd Saturday, September 8, noon-5pm
and by appointment other times through September 26

Front Room Gallery at
Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Kamla Kakaria is a first-generation American from East Indian descent who spent her formative years between the US and New Delhi. She attended college part-time for many years as a single working mother and received a BFA in painting and an MFA in printmaking. She works in printmaking as well as installation work. Being an American growing up in an Indian household she attempts to understand her place in between through making.

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to Jul 27

Jazz Brown

Please help me welcome artist Jazz Brown to the Front Room Gallery, July 5-27, 2018.

There will be two openings:
1st Thursday, July 5, 5-8pm
2nd Saturday, July 14, noon-5pm
and by appointment other times through July 27

Front Room Gallery at
Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Jazz Brown is a self-taught artist who uses acrylic paint to create vivid, expressive compositions. His artistic approach presents intense vibration through contrasting hues, shapes, and textures. He is inspired by both the Minimalism art movement and the Bebop jazz offspring from the 1960s. Brown describes his technique as "consciousnesses on canvas."

Jazz Brown, when do you think you are? 2017, acrylic on canvas, 10" x 8"  

Jazz Brown, when do you think you are? 2017, acrylic on canvas, 10" x 8" 


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to Jun 22

Jean Bradbury - On My Head. In My Heart.

Please help me welcome Jean Bradbury to the Front Room Gallery June 7 - 29, 2018

On My Head. In My Heart. 
A Celebration of Seattle's Diversity

Artist Jean Bradbury interviews Seattle residents about what they wear on their heads and how it expresses their identities. She then paints their portraits and includes the interviews in the artwork. 

The work in this exhibit has been created with support from the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture.

There will be two openings                                                                                                               
1st Thursday, June 7, 5-8 pm
2nd Saturday, June 9, noon-5 pm
& by appointment: or

Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

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to May 22

Monica Arche

Please help me welcome Monica Arche to the Front Room Gallery May 3 - 25, 2018

There will be two openings                                                                                                               
1st Thursday, May 3, 5-8 pm
2nd Saturday, May 12, noon-5 pm
& by appointment:

Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Monica Arche is a multidisciplined-artist and painter based out of Federal Way, Washington. She is both a prolific and dedicated artist harnessing over 20 years of knowledge & experience into each new piece she creates. Born from Cuban parents in Puerto Rico and raised in Miami, Florida; She follows the artistic tradition of her Cuban grandfather Jorge Arche, and her great uncle Aristides Fernandezwho were both part of the Vanguardia artist movement in Cuba during the 1940’s. Her work is not only influenced by her cultural roots but also a desire to excavate deeper meaning from reality & life.

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to Apr 7

Fundraiser for Northwest Immigrant Rights Project

Every year on my birthday month I celebrate by hosting a fundraiser for a non-profit organization of my choice. This year, the recipient of collected funds will be the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project.
As an immigrant myself, I remember how important it was to properly follow the long and arduous path to citizenship. At one point, the INS had lost my paperwork. It was if I did not exist, even though I had a social security number and a green card. Once I got a lawyer involved, my paperwork magically and almost instantly appeared and I was able to become a US citizen. 
Not all immigrants have access to the right resources and the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project is there for them.

Here's how you can help:

1. Donate on line HERE and please write Juan Alonso Studio on the box for additional comments so they know how you found them.

2. Bring cash or check for any amount (made out to NWIRP) to my studio on any of the OPEN STUDIO dates below.

3. Mail a check for any amount (made out to NWIRP) to my studio: 306 S Washington St, Studio 104, Seattle, WA 98104

4. Purchase any of my work at  my studio on the OPEN STUDIO dates below and I will donate 40% to NWIRP

1st Thursday, April 5, 5-8 pm - FREE PARKING
Friday, April 6, noon-5 pm (sparkling wine/mimosas - RSVP required)
Saturday, April 7, noon-5 pm (sparkling wine/mimosas - RSVP required)
RSVP to:

Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Indigo Flow 6 & Silver Flow, 2018, acrylic on unprimed canvas, 42" x 42" each.

Indigo Flow 6 & Silver Flow, 2018, acrylic on unprimed canvas, 42" x 42" each.

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to Mar 23

Aramis Hamer

Please join me in welcoming Aramis Hamer to the Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio March 1-23.

There will be two openings: 
1st Thursday, March 1, 5-8 pm
2nd Saturday, March 10, noon-5 pm
And by appointment through March 23.

306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

"When I think of my artwork, I’m reminded of a colorful world that can only be found in dreams. The basic themes found in my work are strong color contrasts, exaggerated subject matter and drip techniques where I try to stretch the boundaries of surrealism. Music is definitely one of my main inspirations. Songs are like stories and while listening to the lyrics, an image forms in my mind inspiring the next piece. Utilizing house hold tools, such as a grout spreader, creates texture that mimics sound waves in music. I love to incorporate spray paint related to my admiration of street art. Integrating imagery of my people and urban landscapes reflects the environment in which I was raised."

Aramis Hamer, Formless, 2018, acrylic on un-stretched canvas, 60" x 60"

Aramis Hamer, Formless, 2018, acrylic on un-stretched canvas, 60" x 60"

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to Feb 24

Elisheba Johnson - but a dream...

Please join me in welcoming Elisheba Johnson to the Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio, February 1-24.

but a dream: Explorations on Seattle’s rental market

Elisheba Johnson uses various media to represent her own search for housing in her birth city, and the unattainable reality of that dream. 

Open to the public on:
1st Thursday, February 1, 5-8pm
2nd Saturday, February 10, noon-5pm
& by appointment: 206-390-4882
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104


The Lothlorien, 2018, mixed media, 18.5" x 30"

The Lothlorien, 2018, mixed media, 18.5" x 30"

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to Jan 26

Guest Artist: Ruben Trejo

For December & January, The Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio will be showing work from the estate of Ruben Trejo.

Open to the public on:
1st Thursday, December 7, 5-8pm
2nd Saturday, December 9, noon-5pm (with Pop-Up show by Kyle Rees)                               

1st Thursday, January 4, 5-8pm
2nd Saturday, January 13, noon-5pm                                                                                            

& by appointment: 206-390-4882

306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Ruben Trejo (January 7, 1937 – July 19, 2009) was a prominent 20th century sculptor and painter and a professor at Eastern Washington University. His work addressed issues within the Chicano and Latino community, but also discussed more universal motifs such as culture, race, history, and faith. His work can be found in many exhibits, and is part of the permanent collections at the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago, IL, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, N.M.

Although The Front Room Gallery at JAS is committed to promoting living, emerging and unrepresented artists, I also believe it is important to present if not remind folks of important role models and contributions made to pave the way for younger artists of color. Ruben Trejo was a mentor for many and his legacy is important to keep alive, particularly for Latinos in the Pacific Northwest.

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to Nov 30

Eye Pudding (cheap + groovy) by Laura Castellanos

Please join me in welcoming Laura Castellanos to the Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio, November 2-30. 

Open to the public on:
1st Thursday, November 2, 5-8pm
2nd Saturday, November 11, noon-5pm (with Pop-Up show by Kitty Johnson)
Saturday, November 18, noon-5pm
& by appointment: 206-390-4882
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Laura Castellanos's "Eye Pudding" created exclusively for her mini show at the Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio is a series of groovy and glittery "flower" themed paintings and dolls priced to encourage first time collectors. Inspired by Ezra Croft's quote "People need art in their houses. They don't need Bed Bath and Beyond dentist-office art. They need weird stuff." Laura hopes to entice people to buy "weird stuff" for their homes that will surely amuse them for years to come.

Laura's work is shown courtesy of ArtXchange Gallery

Dolls and paintings by Laura Castellanos for Eye Pudding at the Front room Gallery at JAS.

Dolls and paintings by Laura Castellanos for Eye Pudding at the Front room Gallery at JAS.

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to Oct 27

Guest Artist: Rickie Wolfe

Please join me in welcoming Rickie Wolfe to the Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio, October 5-27. 

Open to the public on:
1st Thursday, October 5, 5-8pm
2nd Saturday, October 14, noon-5pm
& by appointment: 206-390-4882
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

The wall mounted sculptures reference calligraphy, hives, and chrysalis forms. After renovating an older home I was inspired and intrigued by the dry wasp hives we found in the attic. The wasps abandon the hive each year and re build the next year or season. I had never seen such a structure. Years later I found another paper wasp hive in the trunk of my car. It was tiny and I realized where I wanted to go with my sculpture.

I weld the forged circles and curvilinear pieces of metal from my palette of forms; I look for compositional interest, line width, and a certain emotional response from the raw metal. I know the metal skeleton is fully realized when I can recognize a balance between buoyancy and weight. I am drawn to the tension between the raw metal and the delicate paper; fragile yet strong, just like the paper hives.
~ Rickie Wolfe

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to Sep 22

Guest Artist: Flynn Bickley

Please join me in welcoming Flynn Bickley to the Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio, September 7-22. 

Open to the public on:

1st Thursday, September 7, 5-8pm
2nd Saturday, Septenber 9, noon-5pm
& by appointment: 206-390-4882

306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

"Flynn Bickley is a queer, trans, mixed-media sculptor and dollmaker from Seattle. Some of his work reflects a long term crush on a fellow queer/trans dollmaker, Greer Lankton. Other work barfs out his feelings about the current state of our country and politics. The rest of his work explores his transgender childhood from outer space, a drunken mermaid, sequins and other odd, dusty corners of our human experience. He would love to meet you sometime."

Greer, I Love You, 2017, fabric, polyfill, sculpey, acrylic, 12"x3"x2"

Greer, I Love You, 2017, fabric, polyfill, sculpey, acrylic, 12"x3"x2"

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to Jun 10

Guest Artist: Yadviga Dowmont Halsey

Yadviga Dowmont Halsey’s compositions are dreamlike studies in human nature. They are impromptu plays where the leading characters vary in emotion from the very tragic to the overjoyed and we, as the audience, provide our own individual interpretation of the drama before us. These paintings are about emotion, human interaction, memory and moments in time. They are psychological narratives layered with tragedy, frivolity and everything else in between.

Please join me in Welcoming Yadviga Dowmont Halsey to Juan Alonso Studio on 1st Thursday, June 1 from 5 -8 pm.

Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Her work will not only be shown in the Front Room Gallery but because this will be an on-going representation, it will be installed throughout the studio.

The studio will also be open to the public with Yadviga's work and a pop-up show of jewelry by Sarah Hood on the 2nd Saturday of the month, June 10, from noon to 5 pm.

Otherwise, Yadviga's work can be seen by appointment: or 206-390-4882

Yadviga Dowmont Halsey, Cowboy Dreams, acrylic on paper, 39" x 53"

Yadviga Dowmont Halsey, Cowboy Dreams, acrylic on paper, 39" x 53"

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to May 13

Guest Artist: Lisa Myers Bulmash

Please join me in welcoming artist Lisa Myers Bulmash to the
Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio.

Lisa's work will be up through our 2nd Saturday Open Studio on May 13 from noon to 5 pm.

Juan Alonso Studio
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Lisa's website:

"I tell stories about family as a way to create an imaginative sanctuary for the viewer. My aim is to connect you to people neither you nor I can reach personally: a relative who fought in the Civil War, for example, or an intriguing stranger from a far-off place.

I make collage portraits on birch board, assemblages in upcycled cigar boxes and altered books in which I remix the original narratives. Often I paint over photocopies of a subject's photograph, then layer elements upon and around the subject to tell an embellished story.

Ultimately, I believe by focusing attention on a chronicle that once was known only within a family or small group, the story's importance is elevated and preserved for others to experience."

~Lisa Myers Bulmash

Bought & Paid For 2, 2016, altered book triptych, 24" x 39" x 2"

Bought & Paid For 2, 2016, altered book triptych, 24" x 39" x 2"

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to Apr 29

Fundraiser for ACLU, Lambda Legal & Planned Parenthood

About 100 artists have created artworks as personal gifts to encourage donations to three organizations.  Sound good? Here are the details:

Juan Alonso Studio & Project 106 at the TK Building are hosting a fundraising event benefitting ACLU, Lambda Legal & Planned Parenthood.

We have supplied about 100 local artists with 6” x 6” pieces of Masonite and asked them to create an original work for you to choose from once you donate a minimum of $100.

1. We will have iPads and laptops set up at the entrances to the studio, ready for you to make your donation to one of these three organizations on line. You may also bring a check made out to one of the three.

2. You get a receipt which you take into Juan Alonso Studio and select an original work of art to take home as a gift from the artist.

3. All works are signed on the back so guests are choosing the work and not the artist by name. Once you choose the work, you can see who created it. Yes, there is a mix of emerging and very well-known artists contributing.


Reception – 21 & over:

Friday, April 28, 5-8 pm

$100 minimum donation required at the door guarantees you get to select an original artwork to take home. You do not have to pay if you’re a donating artist.

Juan Alonso Studio – 306 S Washington St, Seattle, WA 98104

Refreshments will be served.


2nd Chance – all ages

Saturday, April 29, 11 am. – 3 pm. - $5 donation requested at the door

Donate a minimum of $100 and you get to take an original artwork home.


Juan Alonso Studio will also donate 25% of sales of original works by Juan Alonso-Rodriguez’s to whichever one of the three organizations you choose.

Please bring your friends!

For the last 10 years, I have celebrated by birthday by raising funds for a non-profit organization. In order to make this a more community-engaging event, I joined forces with Paul D McKee of Project 106 and invited interested PNW artists to contribute if they wanted to. I am deeply touched by the generosity of my fellow artist. I hope you will come and show your support for all of us and for the organizations that could use it as well.

Hope to see you Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th 

Juan Alonso-Rodríguez, Leafy Snout, 2017, acrylic on paper, 66" x 45"

Juan Alonso-Rodríguez, Leafy Snout, 2017, acrylic on paper, 66" x 45"

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to Mar 11

Guest Artist: Romson Regarde Bustillo

"The foundation of much of what I do is in printmaking, mixed media, and space coding. Transdisciplinary, my work is nourished by research; my family’s Filipino background and our migration to the states. The tools we use to process information and the moments tied to our understanding help shape my vocabulary. Images and marks become visual cues to narratives, questions, and observations." ~ Romson Regarde Bustillo

Please join me in welcoming this month's guest artist, Romson Regarde Bustillo to the Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio.

Thursday, March 2, 5-8 pm.
Juan Alonso Studio at TK Artist Studios
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Romson's artwork will remain on view through the 2nd Saturday of the month (3/11) when the studio will be open from noon to 5 pm.

Born in the Philippines, Romson Regarde Bustillo moved to Seattle with his family in 1978. He has spent extended periods of time working on his art in Spain, Mexico, and the Philippines; as well as research work in S.E. Asia and Central America. He maintains an art studio in the Central District of Seattle. Locally, his work is represented in the collections of the City of Seattle, the City of Tacoma, Washington State Art Commission, ArtColl Trust, ACRS, and the Wing Luke Asian Museum.


Also open by appointment:

Duplicate Citizen, 2016, mixed media print/collage, 30" x 12.75"
View Event →
to Feb 11

Guest Artist: Jite Agbro

"Each of us is deeply knowledgeable in the subtle language of presentation, and we are all able to make lightning-quick judgments about others, even when our awareness of what we are judging is subconscious." ~ Jite Agbro

Please join me in welcoming this month's guest artist, Jite Agbro to the Front Room Gallery at Juan Alonso Studio.

Thursday, February 2, 5-8 pm.
Juan Alonso Studio at TK Artist Studios
306 S Washington St, Studio 104
Seattle, WA 98104

Jite's artwork will remain on view through the 2nd Saturday of the month (2/11) when the studio will be open from noon to 5 pm.

Jite Agbro is Seattle printmaker. Her work focuses on non-verbal communication, the process of exchanging shared cultural, psychological, and imaginative cues between people. She is interested in the way we as human beings project ourselves and our identities into the greater public space. Her recent work incorporates dress forms and garment pieces.

Is One Thing Another, 2016, mixed media print on wax paper, 27.5" x 21.5"
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